About me

What I’ve got going on

  1. 👶 I’m a dad, my baby girl is everything to me. A big part of everything I’m doing is for her and with her in mind.
  2. 👰 I’m a husband, sorry ladies - spoken for! My wife and I got married a few years ago.
  3. 🚀 I am the head of marketing for an equity crowdfunding platform.
  4. 💌 I enjoy teaching, you can check that out here: articles, videos, book reviews.
  5. ✍️ I have a course on how to grow on Instagram with over 18,000 students.
  6. I also have an ebook on budgeting.

And some other stuff

  1. I learned how to build sites when I was 14. Also picked up the Adobe Suite.
  2. Brazilian born and raised, fluent in three languages.
  3. I’ve spent over $10,000,000 on advertising and acquisition.
  4. Some of the celebrities I’ve worked with include Kendall Jenner (Formawell Beauty), Kevin Jonas (Caribu App), Louie Giglio (Passion Conferences), Grant Cardone, Travis Stork (TV Personality), and a few others.
  5. I enjoy a few hobbies such as playing my guitar, boxing, and even a bit of FIFA 22 on my PS (add me to PSN?).

Now that I’ve shared some stuff about me why not drop me a line. I’d love to hear where you’re from and what you do.

🐦 Twitter - Tweet @vianaj7 and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. I also occasionally reply to Instagram DMs but it’s much more cumbersome to do so (for now).

📨 Email - If it’s a longer thing, or you don’t want it to be a public tweet, please email me. I read 100% of emails but there’s only enough time in the day to reply.

☕️ In person - I love meeting up with people in real life. So here’s a standing offer - if you fancy taking a trip to South Florida (US) and want to chat, I’ll buy you a coffee.

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